Why is there such an emphasis on millennials these days? There are approximately 80 million millennials in the U.S. representing one fourth of the population with $600 billion in buying power. As millennials continue to grow as the largest generation segment, this spending power is estimated to increase to $1.4 trillion by 2020. Needless to say, it is crucial for your restaurant to accommodate and tailor your customer experience for this generation to keep your restaurant popular and the cash flowing.

Website and mobile optimization.

59% of Millennials say they review menus online often or very often so it is essential to have an interactive, visually appealing, and easy-to-navigate website. An evocative website that represents what kind of feeling your restaurant has will give your guests a good sense of what to expect. If your website is bare and shabby, that is what they are going to expect from your restaurant. Also, it is essential to ensure that your website is optimized for mobile browsing since a large amount of millennial traffic is mobile. Check out some awesome restaurant website examples from Pasquale JonesBy CHLOE., and Jean-Georges.

Tip: Make all the information on your website easily accessible, especially the menu, phone number, address, hours etc. Vital information should be found with just one click.

Social media marketing.

You’ve probably heard this a million times because it is REALLY important. Millennials are much more likely to trust social media before any traditional advertisements. So, it is in your best interest to invest in your social media marketing. It is also the best way to market to your millennial customers outside the physical vicinity of your restaurant. Make your social media handles visible and try to incentivize your customers to post with initiatives such as contests with prizes. Check out more restaurant social media marketing tips here.

Tip: Beautiful pictures market themselves. Make your lighting optimal for good food pics, you’ll never get anything good with that dim, can’t-find-my-way-to-the-bathroom lighting!

The experience.

The entire dining experience is very important to millennials. Their impression of your restaurant relies heavily on how the vibe makes them feel. Is it warm and inviting or awkward and uncomfortable? Ensure your restaurant has a welcoming personality coupled with appropriate music and friendly service from staff members that match your restaurant’s ethos and ambiance. Additionally, having so many choices is exhausting and makes us unhappy. So keep your menu short, simple, and easy to navigate, not only will it cut down wait times, but also leaves your customers more satisfied.

Tip: 8 in 10 Americans enter a store they have never visited before based on its signs. A bold and creative exterior will strike up people’s interest so maybe it is time to replace that dirty awning you’ve been ignoring.

Create a lifestyle.

Be transparent about where your food comes from. Millennials love establishments that share the same values as them. Social responsibility is very important for them, so show your customers how much you care about sourcing local, supporting agricultural sustainability, and going green. This will really set you apart from your competitors. Also, support causes that represent the lifestyle your restaurant wants to inspire. For example, Sweetgreen sells a set of values and promotes positive relationships with the community by educating customers, providing access to locally sourced foods, and hosting initiatives such as the Sweetlife Festival and Sweetgreen in Schools philanthropy movement.

Tip: Be transparent about the values that you support by displaying it on your menu board, menu, signs etc. Be creative and make the visuals bold and beautiful so that it draws their attention.

Check out these companies that are doing great things for restaurants in New York City.

BentoBox offers restaurants beautiful, mobile friendly websites that drive revenue and customers.

Brandibble is a sophisticated online ordering platform for multi-unit restaurants.